Compatible With ScriptsCompatible With ExpressionsCompatible With The Command Line

Return Name Argument(s) Value Returned
double abs ( double value )  absolute value of value
double acos ( double value )  arc cosine of value
double asin ( double value )  arc sine of value
double atan ( double value )  arc tangent of value
double atan2 ( double y, double x )  arc tangent of y/x, correctly handles x == 0
double ceil ( double value )  smallest integer greater than value
double cos ( double value )  cosine of value
double cosh ( double value )  hyperbolic cosine of value
double exp ( double value )  e raised to the power of value
double fact ( double value )  factorial of value ( value! )
double floor ( double value )  largest integer smaller than value
double ln ( double value )  natural logarithm of value ( base e )
double log ( double value )  logarithm of value ( base 10 )
double max ( double a, double b )  the larger of the two numbers
double min ( double a, double b )  the smaller of the two numbers
double pow ( double a, double x )  a raised to the x power ( ax )
double sgn ( double value )  -1 if value is negative, 1 otherwise
double sin ( double value )  sine of value
double sinh ( double value )  hyperbolic sine of value
double sq ( double value )  value squared ( value2 )
double sqrt ( double value )  square root of value
double tan ( double value )  tangent of value
double tanh ( double value )  hyperbolic tangent of value
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